
Welcome to Tamara’s Knots of Love! I created this website so I would have a place to put all of my pictures so it will be easier to show all of you! Take a look around and enjoy!

About Me

Hi I’m Tamara! I’m a wife and mom who loves to crochet!

Where my Passion Started...

My nanny taught me how to crochet as a teenager. I started out crocheting granny squares. I quit crocheting for several years and then picked it back up after I had my son.  I have now been crocheting for 12 years. It is very rare that a day goes by that I don’t pick up my crochet hook.  I guess you can say I am hooked on crochet!

While I can crochet a wide variety of items, my passion is crocheting the stuffed animals (also known as amigurumi).  I put lots of love into everything I make.

I sell my finished items at Craft Fairs and through word of mouth.

You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram

What I do...

I strive to provide great quality crochet stuffed animals